The Art of Business Is Easier Than You Think
What do you know about each and every client on your database?
Can this one question be the future-proofing of your business?
One of the biggest return on investment for a business is client retention yet it is often the most neglected area.
When a business has gaps in their day, it can be the first thought to chase after new leads and newly invited customers, instead of leaning on the return visits from your member database. Relationship building and loyalty far outweighs all the energy put into enticing new customers to take a peek. And for the more savvy business operations with wonderful automation technologies taken aboard, sometimes we actually reduce the amount of 'personable' time that brought us the relationship in the first instance. The bottom line - poor relationship-building ultimately restricts growth.
Management systems and processes are critical to handling an organised and growing operation, but the real gamechanger is having an emphasis on aligning systems with communications. Many businesses are missing out on having more predictability and sustainability when they lack in skills of communication. A simple 'Hello' can lead to understanding what happens in their lives of daily decisions. A simple invitation to sample what your business can do for them. A simple question of 'what they think' could improve your business outlook. And databases do not have to follow conventional presumptions of only having clients that contributed to our bottom line but to include all the interactions a business comes into contact with, and that includes prospects, suppliers, professional advisers, collaboration partners, etc.
Amongst all these people, you'll have supporters, genuine customers, influencers, bargain hunters, friends and they will have a handful of people they know whom could also have need for your business.
Who do you know? Eugene & Meg